I found this both horrifying and eye opening at times, I do think it is worth a watch because I feel as westerners we become too focused on injustice in our society when this sort of thing is a global issue, often to a far more extreme degree.
Friday, 28 June 2013
Hate to admit I've done this...
'The Fade Away'
Check out some more of their stuff, this one killed me
Thursday, 27 June 2013
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Once again displaying why I HATE The Daily Mail
Read and loathe with me. Thank you.
Read and loathe with me. Thank you.
My response to the average Daily Mail writer.
On of the things that I hate is they way they carry on about the 'sexualizing of children' yet continue to post pictures of young girls of around 14 and describe them as 'flaunting their enviable figures'. Creeeps.
Friday, 21 June 2013
Tuesday, 18 June 2013
Russell Brand Destroys Some Very Rude News Anchors
Proving that you can wear cowboy boots and still be smart. When I went to see the Dalai Lama in Manchester he was interviewing him actually, and he seemed like a really nice and intelligent guy. Love how he leans back in his chair, absorbing all the stupidity and readying for his verbal strike, like an eloquent cobra.
Kimye's Baby is Called....
To anyone who cares, Kanye West and Kim Kardashian's child has been named: Kaidence Donda West.
We welcome you Kaidance (Donda is Kanye's late mothers name) To planet Earth. America's baby is born.
UPDATE: Apparently the child is now called 'North West', Nori for short.
We welcome you Kaidance (Donda is Kanye's late mothers name) To planet Earth. America's baby is born.
UPDATE: Apparently the child is now called 'North West', Nori for short.
I Want To Live In a World Where Women Can Hitch-Hike
Of course hitch-hiking is dangerous for men too, but I was reading this article -
and after the first sentence I'm thinking, well this chick is pretty cool, but many women react to the idea of women hitch-hiking with 'really oh my god weren't you terrified', they wouldn't think I was cool, they would think I was irresponsible. Then I found out she was with her boyfriend and that made it a bit clearer, she'd got backup.
I love 'On the Road' and it recently struck me, I will not be able to hitch-hike in my lifetime without most people (sadly myself included) thinking that I am being tremendously reckless, because 'you can get raped you know'. And in our culture and modern world women have been taught from various films and TV dramas that if you try to thumb a lift with a lorry driver or someone similar you will get raped/beaten/murdered/kidnapped. The fact of the matter is, this is so uncool. It exists. There is nothing I can do about it, short of carrying a weapon and being fully versed in martial arts (neither of which are applicable to me).
It just makes me sad that this is the way the world is for me. I run the extra risk when I do something slightly irresponsible purely because I was born with lady parts and not man junk. Why did you curse me Lord, why? In the word of Federico Garcia Lorca, 'to be born a woman is the worst punishment', this was almost a century ago and what has even changed?
This is how I feel.

I think we just have to accept that a lot of people 'aren't very nice'. And they will never be. We can never educate people out of evil acts. It's like that time when Daphne and I were on holiday, Daphne was drunk as a skunk, and I was relatively sober. Then this Spanish guy comes up to her and gives her a drink, I tell Daphne not to drink it, but she decides she wants to trust him. In my view it's better to be safe than sorry, to whip out that cliché, simply because people most likely don't have altruistic motives.
I think I just want to live in a world were were I can walk home in peace, reliant on myself for my safety and not other people to not attack me. I think hitch-hiking will never work, irrelevant on whether you are male or female, simply because of human nature.
and after the first sentence I'm thinking, well this chick is pretty cool, but many women react to the idea of women hitch-hiking with 'really oh my god weren't you terrified', they wouldn't think I was cool, they would think I was irresponsible. Then I found out she was with her boyfriend and that made it a bit clearer, she'd got backup.
I love 'On the Road' and it recently struck me, I will not be able to hitch-hike in my lifetime without most people (sadly myself included) thinking that I am being tremendously reckless, because 'you can get raped you know'. And in our culture and modern world women have been taught from various films and TV dramas that if you try to thumb a lift with a lorry driver or someone similar you will get raped/beaten/murdered/kidnapped. The fact of the matter is, this is so uncool. It exists. There is nothing I can do about it, short of carrying a weapon and being fully versed in martial arts (neither of which are applicable to me).
It just makes me sad that this is the way the world is for me. I run the extra risk when I do something slightly irresponsible purely because I was born with lady parts and not man junk. Why did you curse me Lord, why? In the word of Federico Garcia Lorca, 'to be born a woman is the worst punishment', this was almost a century ago and what has even changed?
This is how I feel.
I think we just have to accept that a lot of people 'aren't very nice'. And they will never be. We can never educate people out of evil acts. It's like that time when Daphne and I were on holiday, Daphne was drunk as a skunk, and I was relatively sober. Then this Spanish guy comes up to her and gives her a drink, I tell Daphne not to drink it, but she decides she wants to trust him. In my view it's better to be safe than sorry, to whip out that cliché, simply because people most likely don't have altruistic motives.
I think I just want to live in a world were were I can walk home in peace, reliant on myself for my safety and not other people to not attack me. I think hitch-hiking will never work, irrelevant on whether you are male or female, simply because of human nature.
Trevor Noah, A Really Funny SA Comedian.
'Tacos'- Apparently Napkins can cause some serious confusion
'Surfing Aids', an encounter with a stupid surfer.
Death at a Funeral
Wednesday, 12 June 2013
Watch that video and tell me you don't want to help that poor woman, how can you ignore a fellow woman telling you she has been put in an uncomfortable situation, sexually assaulted, just how? I am actually disgusted that the man had the fucking arrogant cheek to attempt to arrest the woman WITH NO ACTUAL GROUNDS and the judge just sat there. SHE FUCKING SAT THERE. What the hell even is that, it's not even the case of 'the sisterhood' it's another human being. Does the legal system not exist to give everyone the right to be heard, she ignored her entirely. My heart really goes out to Contreras and her little daughter. It really does.
I am disgusted and disheartened from a human perspective. From a feminist perspective that woman holds a job that is well paid and high powered and to many she would appear to be 'doing it for feminism', well what a fucking joke. It just goes to show that you can't judge a book by it's cover and the people that are meant to protect us are evidently not all doing their job for the right reasons. Question everything because if we don't then it appears no one will.
Watch that video and tell me you don't want to help that poor woman, how can you ignore a fellow woman telling you she has been put in an uncomfortable situation, sexually assaulted, just how? I am actually disgusted that the man had the fucking arrogant cheek to attempt to arrest the woman WITH NO ACTUAL GROUNDS and the judge just sat there. SHE FUCKING SAT THERE. What the hell even is that, it's not even the case of 'the sisterhood' it's another human being. Does the legal system not exist to give everyone the right to be heard, she ignored her entirely. My heart really goes out to Contreras and her little daughter. It really does.
I am disgusted and disheartened from a human perspective. From a feminist perspective that woman holds a job that is well paid and high powered and to many she would appear to be 'doing it for feminism', well what a fucking joke. It just goes to show that you can't judge a book by it's cover and the people that are meant to protect us are evidently not all doing their job for the right reasons. Question everything because if we don't then it appears no one will.
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
Hollie McNish, Some Brilliant Spoken Word
One about immigration and ignorance
'Cupcakes and Scones'
Okay, Now, you need to watch these two (the one above, Flo Rider- Whistle (but muted)) and below with the sound on. You'll realise why when you do it.
Monday, 10 June 2013
This is a damn good idea.
We've all been there. I wish I had already filled out one of these.
I mean fill it out early in the night, straight in the purse. BLACK OUT DRUNK. It's not safe... but it's a system at least.
I mean fill it out early in the night, straight in the purse. BLACK OUT DRUNK. It's not safe... but it's a system at least.
When Do You Stop Criticising Chris Brown
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You said it Marty, 'what?' |
It got me doing some research on the respective cases, and then Roman Polanski and I just couldn't help but wonder is it wrong for me to indulge in a Woody Allen movie if I don't agree with what he has done, same with Polanski. I know Dorothy boycotts Chris Brown's music because of his domestic violence tendencies (interesting article that looks at the incident from a personal angle).
Here's the thing, sometimes it's summer, I'm at a bar and I find myself singing along to 'Don't Wake Me Up', God damn you catchy pop factory, and all of a sudden I am guilt stricken because 'he's a bad man'. So the question I am asking here is, can you separate the issue or incident from the works of the person. I mean it's interesting because it would appear that to be morally upstanding human beings we have to shun the whole kit and caboodle.
For example, Michael Jackson was a controversial topic of any conversation and divided millions after being accused of child molestation, essentially until his death, when he was rejuvenated as an icon and a star. But people who were scrupulous of his behaviour would still be rocking out to MJ in the car, right? I am perplexed, I literally have no idea where I stand, on the one hand I am appalled by any sort of immoral and grossly illegal behaviour - but I like films and music and books, I struggle to stand anywhere on the issue without being a raging hypocrite. By Mum has to turn off MJ in the car she, to quote, 'can't stand the man and he definatly did it'.
That is also another point, in death people rarely bring out the Michael Jackson paedophile card because it is disrespectful. But Jimmy Savile in death is still being uncovered as a huge monster so clearly, stardom is the bigger factor here; however Britain is reeling from the shock discovery that someone they trusted, that raised lots for charity and allowed into there homes through television could commit such vile acts. Here there is no separation of work and being, Jimmy Savile has no legacy, he was immoral and disgusting.
Looking at the many Hollywood and celebrity 'falls from grace' there is no pattern as to who will remain and who won't. Hollywood won't touch Mel Gibson with a barge pole but Woody Allen has a new film coming out. I suppose you also have to take into account that not everything we read is true or accurate, but then is there smoke without fire? I would like to reserve the right to say someone is not a good person but is gifted in a particular field, think about Hannibal Lecter, he was a murderer and a cannibal but wasn't he an ever so charming character in 'Silence of The Lambs'? Or is it like saying 'yeah but Hitler was a vegetarian'?
I know what you mean, and for me, it sometimes goes even further. Sometimes I feel weird for liking loads and loads of crime and horror programmes and films, as I think it makes me look a little psychotic. Are your tastes that reflective of who you are? For example,'Sex and the City' is watched by people who either live in, or emulate that lifestyle (is it though?), so is it weird to like media outlets that display disturbing acts? It makes me feel almost guilty. Also, on another note, Kate Moss continues to get big advertising contracts, even though she got caught snorting coke, and Naomi Campbell is still modelling royalty, even though she was involved with a blood diamonds scandal and throws things at people. I feel uncomfortable with the Woody Allan thing as well, I enjoyed 'Midnight in Paris', but I really really felt like I shouldn't because of his checkered personal life, AGREED, it was a good film, but I feel like I can't say that. The same with Eminem, he says some pretty horrific things about women, yet I continue to enjoy his music, does this mean I support him?
We don't forgive paedophiles who are plumbers just because they did a great job fixing your toilet, why do we forgive famous artists because we enjoy their movies/books/music? It's odd because we seem to demonise non-famous people/famous women/non-white celebrities for far less. Anne Hathaway and Kristen Stewart get more hate than Allen does which makes no sense to me.

Short List of Male Celebrities that have allegedly beaten and/or raped women.
Yet, they're still everywhere, and it seems in fairness that Chris Brown is getting demonised more than the rest of them. Maybe it's because Woody Allen and Michael Jackson (and Roman Polanski) are considered to be genius artists, so I think the public wants to forgive them more. I don't think anyone ever considered Chris Brown to be a genius? With that, my dear friend, I concur.
Dorothy and Daphne
I know what you mean, and for me, it sometimes goes even further. Sometimes I feel weird for liking loads and loads of crime and horror programmes and films, as I think it makes me look a little psychotic. Are your tastes that reflective of who you are? For example,'Sex and the City' is watched by people who either live in, or emulate that lifestyle (is it though?), so is it weird to like media outlets that display disturbing acts? It makes me feel almost guilty. Also, on another note, Kate Moss continues to get big advertising contracts, even though she got caught snorting coke, and Naomi Campbell is still modelling royalty, even though she was involved with a blood diamonds scandal and throws things at people. I feel uncomfortable with the Woody Allan thing as well, I enjoyed 'Midnight in Paris', but I really really felt like I shouldn't because of his checkered personal life, AGREED, it was a good film, but I feel like I can't say that. The same with Eminem, he says some pretty horrific things about women, yet I continue to enjoy his music, does this mean I support him?
We don't forgive paedophiles who are plumbers just because they did a great job fixing your toilet, why do we forgive famous artists because we enjoy their movies/books/music? It's odd because we seem to demonise non-famous people/famous women/non-white celebrities for far less. Anne Hathaway and Kristen Stewart get more hate than Allen does which makes no sense to me.
Short List of Male Celebrities that have allegedly beaten and/or raped women.
- Charlie Sheen
- Sean Connery
- Gary Oldman
- David Hasselhoff
- Mel Gibson
- Michael Fassbender
- Nicholas Cage
- Gary Busey
- Bill Murray
- Eminem
- Alec Baldwin
- Tommy Lee
- Josh Brolin
- Sean Penn
- Woody Allen
- Roman Polanski
- Axl Rose
- Sonny Bono
- John Lennon
- Sean Bean
- Elvis Presley
- Kelsey Grammar
- Rob Lowe
- Chris Brown
I literally have no idea how to feel.
Dorothy and Daphne
Friday, 7 June 2013
My Freedom for Exams/Revision Motivation Song
We sang this after our failures.
Reasons Why I Love Sunshine and Fear Sunburn.
It's nothing to do with cancer I just think it is really embarrassing when you get sun-burnt. Right? It is like wearing your Britishness on your sleeve and I'm really not okay with that, but I don't know why. I mean, why am I ashamed that I am pale, and I will therefore burn, I have no idea. I'm not one of those insolent humans that will lay out for hours in the sun in the vain attempt of getting a tan because it leads to said sunburn. I mean I guess cancer is a teeny tiny worry but EVERYTHING GIVES YOU CANCER, says The Daily Mail.
Also I hate the alternating you have to do if you feel one side burning, the uncomfortable rolling and all that. I just wanted to enjoy the sun and get a bit day drunk. Is that too much to ask. But I guess it must be because now I have a burnt shoulder and ice lolly juice dribbled all down my leg and getting sticky. Then that attracts the wasp that puts the fear of God into me.
Are you drunk?.... I think you are. I agree, apart from the Cancer thing which is obviously a factor I am also scared of peeling because of aesthetic reasons. I run in straight away to put on after sun so that I don't get burned and instead get a 'golden tan'. I feel so vain, but pink is so not my hue. Plus I hate having to lather myself in sudocrem and lay in a naked starfish in a dark room for the rest of the afternoon.
Also I hate the alternating you have to do if you feel one side burning, the uncomfortable rolling and all that. I just wanted to enjoy the sun and get a bit day drunk. Is that too much to ask. But I guess it must be because now I have a burnt shoulder and ice lolly juice dribbled all down my leg and getting sticky. Then that attracts the wasp that puts the fear of God into me.
Are you drunk?.... I think you are. I agree, apart from the Cancer thing which is obviously a factor I am also scared of peeling because of aesthetic reasons. I run in straight away to put on after sun so that I don't get burned and instead get a 'golden tan'. I feel so vain, but pink is so not my hue. Plus I hate having to lather myself in sudocrem and lay in a naked starfish in a dark room for the rest of the afternoon.
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You Need This Today.
Dorothy is my Jeremy.
Saturday, 1 June 2013
Avengers Male Characters Drawn In The Style Of Female Charecters
It’s absurd, seeing all those dudes posed in come hither poses in the middle of a battle.
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