“She’s the queen of everything.” —Azealia Banks
Beyonce. Once upon a time she was the undisputed ruler of the world, and the pinnacle of womanhood. Rhianna once tweeted a picture of Beyonce, claiming that it 'destroyed the self esteem of women everywhere', below is the picture. NO ONE was ready for this jelly because her body is too bootylicious for you... baby. She got bootylicious into the Oxford English Dictionary for God's sake.
Nicknamed Queen B, she was mysterious, and her refusal to over-share made her stand out from the crowd of attention grabbing celebrities, she had something enigmatic and intriguing Her unusual capacity in the celebrity world to think before she spoke, to plan before the acted created a persona so powerful people dared not to question it. She was unreachable. However, Beyonce has been humanized. Ever since the whole inauguration sing-a-long scandal (I shake my head in disappointment) , Beyonce's bubble seems to have burst. I really don't understand why this happened, we know she can sing, she has sung life so many times, why has this happened? She is one of the few celebrities that can actually definitely sing. It's because, although she had a reasonable explanation, SHE IS NOT PERFECT ANY MORE! No I mean why did she even bother miming when she can actually sing, the mind boggles.
Now people actually have the guts not to constantly suck up to her, they're expressing their creativity with some Memes taking the piss out of her 'performing' faces. Of course Beyonce's people have requested that these images be deleted. But this is the internet, so that isn't going to happen
The Internet: The Biggest Human Leveller/ most unconquerable nemesis for celebrities world-wide.
So Beyonce has countered these less than flattering images with a supposed 'leaked' regal image of herself. In an attempt I suppose to reel back control over her image, something which in the past she's done pretty well. We always seem to forget those Destiny's Child days where she was all midriff baring yet simultaneously a positive icon for young girls ...that sung about her 'jelly'. Our society is confusing.
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