In an exclusive blog for The Huffington Post UK, Meredith, who has been ranked one of the top 20 speakers in the world, described the experience as "one of the most unpleasant incidents of my life".
Students Marlena Valles (left) and Rebecca Meredith (right)
"We were booed, heckled with 'shame woman' and exposed to sexual comments and queries of 'what qualifications does a woman possibly have to be here'. The difference between us? We were female.
"After the debate, a member of this group shouted "get that woman out of my chamber" as my partner Marlena passed.
"Students from Glasgow told us that the male members concerned often shouted 'whore' and 'slut' at female students," Meredith continues, "While a former female committee member stated that she had adopted 'battered wife syndrome' and had risen to the top of the GUU by accepting and ignoring misogyny. One said 'things will never change here, they are too powerful'."
Although president of the GUU society, David Lockhart, said the union would be investigating the incidents, five student societies have written a public letter addressing the "failure to properly address misogynistic behaviour":
Dear Mr Lockhart,
We are writing to you today on behalf of Glasgow University Scottish Nationalist Association, the Glasgow University Labour Club, Glasgow University Coalition of Resistance, Glasgow University Politics Society and the Glasgow University Feminist Society with regard to the recent developments at the Glasgow University Union.
As affiliated societies, we are extremely disappointed about the accusations of sexist and misogynistic behaviour by members of the GUU at the Ancients debating final, which have brought the otherwise sound reputation of debating at the GUU and this university into disrepute.
Misogynistic behaviour or discrimination of any kind should be strongly condemned and punished by the GUU. No-one at this university should have to face bullying or harassment, and we should always seek to promote equality and respect within debating.
It is with consideration of this fact that we have decided to disaffiliate with the GUU until:
1 Appropriate disciplinary action, up to a life ban, is taken against those responsible; and
2 A commitment is made to promote gender equality within the GUU.
While we welcome the recent statement from the GUU, it does not go far enough to reassure us - given the seriousness of the situation.
The Glasgow University Scottish Nationalist Association, Glasgow University Labour Club, Glasgow University Coalition of Resistance, Glasgow University Politics Society and the Glasgow University Feminist Society
A petition started on by Glasgow University student Caroline Moore to "expel the members responsible and show commitment to gender equality" has already garnered 3,855 signatures.
Moore calls on the GUU executive members to "denounce the actions of these members" "to demonstrate their commitment to a sexism-free GUU by undertaking a gender equality training session", adding "The GUU is not a Boys' Club anymore."
Moore refers to the GUU's previous sexist policy on women. The union, which was founded in 1885 and describes itself as "the finest training grounds for young politicians", only voted to allow women to become members in 1980. In November 2012, the GUU hosted its controversial "Last All Male Board" (LAMB) dinner. The dinner, a long-running tradition, was set up to "commemorate" the last all-male board of management, after females were admitted. The president of the GUU, Lockhart, attends the LAMB events.
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