Wednesday, 20 March 2013

The Lost Art of Keeping Secrets

Pandora's Box, she literally couldn't keep her trap shut.
I have always been a collector of secrets. It sounds a little weird, but I get a bit of a thrill hearing and keeping secrets, when I was at high school I sat next to someone who, like me really enjoyed collecting secrets, in fact sometimes we used to trade, and barter. I feel pretty guilty for that now, but they never got any further than us. I just liked looking at people and thinking 'I know......'I guess it made me feel like gossip girl or something. I think part of it was that people seem to actually like telling me secrets, I used to sit next to people and they would just pour their heart out to me, I think it's because I'm not very 'threatening' looking, or memorable, I've been told I've got a very trusting face too, which comes in handy. I have the opposite problem, I am actually quite good at keeping secrets but people just assume that I won't be able to keep anything to myself. Granted this is probably because I can't keep my own secrets, I am an open book. But when it comes to confidential things other people tell me it rarely goes further than Dorothy (best friend prerogative). 

However, recently I did something wrong. I told. One key thing that a proud secret keeper should never do. As well as actually telling the secret, therefore it being out of your control, and therefore you lose the 'thrill', the person who told you in the first place, when they find out that you spilled the beans will be a) pissed off, b) never tell you anything again. In this situation the secret was huge, gigantuan and the person that I told was doing a very good impression of a trustworthy person. But I still really regret it. The person that I told stupidly went up to my informant and said 'So, is it true'. Then my informant did the whole 'I'm disappointed and don't trust you' thing. And I felt so guilty that I thought I was going to vomit. It was a really horrible situation. I just really hope it goes no  further now, but the fact that I can't control it makes me feel very stressed, especially because the secret is pretty massive.

I am disappointed in myself. I have let the secret keepers around the world down, I've let the team down, but most of all, I've let myself down....And now I have to face the music. I really need to improve my secret keeping skills. I still trust you, chin up mate, I'm sure they will forgive a first offence.

Dorothy and Daphne

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