Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Serial Killer Groupies, Why Do Girls Like Bad Boys

I Love getting Mail from
I've never heard a boy say that he wanted his girl friend to be more of a bitch, sometime they exclaim 'she's a bitch but she's hot', to many males and females, having an obviously nasty personality is not attractive at all. So how come I see lovely, attractive girls staying with boys that treat them like absolute shite? Chris Brown, Rhianna anyone? I'm not going to get into a 'nice guys finish last' argument because I think that is flawed also, perhaps the reason that they don't want to jump your bones has nothing to do with your 'niceness' but more to do with other factors. Having been treated like shit by many a guy and gone back for more I can completely say with one hundred percent certainty I have no real idea why I let them treat me like that. I'm interested to see what you make of it!

So why is it that people (and girls in particular) seem to gravitate towards 'bad boys' aka, utter twatfaces. Apparently, even mass murderers receive countless amounts of fan mail, and even MARRIAGE PROPOSALS! WTF YOU MENTALS. These are the only reasons that I can think of.

1. A Sense Of Danger.
Young girls, and sometimes even older ones, the Fifty Shades effect ick ick ick, can really enjoy Vampire romance novels, you know, the once where the male lead is moody and really wants to kill them and suck their blood like a chocolate milkshake. Yet at the same time they find the fanged pale males really attractive, perhaps this is because they're confusing their fear for them for attraction? I guess it'll never be boring. I genuinely think The Fifty Shades series is the perfect translation from desperate for love tweens to bored housewives. It is a sense of this is so wrong, but maybe I don't want to be right. But actually in real life it is no where near as exciting, and they never declare undying love, they are treating you like a dickhead because nine times out of ten they are (see the film He's Just Not That Into You, clears so much up). 

2. Attention.
If you marry a serial killer, you're going to get attention. Perhaps these women enjoy the fact that everyone in their neighborhood knows their name, and that people actually care, Münchausen syndrome, is a mental illness whereby someone lies for attention, or deliberately makes their children ill, or lies about illness for sympathy and attention, often especially wanting the attention of the 'officials' such as the ambulances and hospitals. Perhaps this is an extention of that? The constant drama that comes with a 'bad boy/murdering raping scumbag' may appeal to some. The fact that the guy has the balls to actually go through with it can also be a little primal? Survival of the fittest maybe, willing to do what others won't. Some people are scary...

3. I Want To Save Them
Women are fixers. We like to think we can make something better. In fact many of these women who have 'reached out' to these inhumane individuals have done so apparently with the sincere desire to save their souls,  'Several were heavily involved in anti-death penalty campaigns before they met their significant others.  Some were moved by Christian conviction to contact – and save – these doomed souls, only to discover that they ultimately were the ones who needed saving.  (I am reminded of a story in Jacquelynne Wilcox-Bailey’s book about two middle-aged Christian sisters from Australia who left stable marriages to marry recently released violent offenders with whom they had romanced in prison.  One was bludgeoned to death with a hammer and the other one narrowly escaped death after her new hubby tried to cut off her ear and pull out her teeth with pliers). This is so true, every girl with a bad boy/player wants to be 'the one' that tamed him. She wants to be the one that made him want to be a better person, because it makes her special and he thinks she is caring (most likely has deep rooted maternal issues and will just use her as a caregiver in later life whilst he sips Stella on the couch watching the Corrie omnibus) and likes that she cares for him. 

4. They Most Probably Won't Cheat On Me
Many of the most popular (well get the most fan mail) are the one's with a life sentence, perhaps this is because the woman knows that the man will have all the time in the world to focus all their attention on them, and they will be the only person that that attention will be focused on. They probably like the feeling of being someone's one and only lifeline into the outside world, she is literally his world and where on Earth are you going to get something that intense (why you would want it is still beyond me). But it does sound like these guys are spoilt for choice, how would you know you aren't just another clinger on to his rockstarmurderer status? Vomit. 


Many people think women who fall for serial killers must either be a) lonely, unattractive, and unable to find love in the “real world” or b) mentally unstable women who have some kind of strange fixation.  The reality is much more complicated.
First of all, these women come from all sectors of society. Some of them are beautiful; others are not.  Some of them are highly educated; others are not. Women’s fascination with men behind bars is a lot more complex than would seem on the surface.  But whether the drive is danger-by-association or misguided compassion, the serial killer groupie often bites off more than she can chew.  And while some serial killer groupies go through a series of death-row inmates looking for that perfect partner, more than one has been bewildered by the discovery that what started as a mission wound up a match. Such as Veronica Lynn Compton, for example, wrote Ken Bianchi a letter asking his advice about a female serial killer character in one of her screenplays, and Rosalie Martinez, a mitigation specialist left her successful attorney-husband and comfortable lifestyle to marry Oscar Ray Bolin, a low life convicted of raping and murdering three young women.  And Christine Kizuka married serial killer Angelo Buono (one-half of the Hillside Strangler duo) after meeting him while visiting her then-husband in Folsom State Prison. That almost makes it seem as if it is 'love' that they weren't meant to be together and it happened purely by chance but they were drawn like moths to a very dangerous and highly burny flame. I find this truly odd, but I guess the day in day out life style of an everyday person can be unsatisfactory and something that makes it abnormal can make it interesting too? 

I don't really know the full reasons, personally, I've never wanted someone who has the capacity to hurt me, but I guess I have had crushes on dark t.v character  perhaps this is why women go for these kinds when their in prison, perhaps they like that fact that they can distance themselves, the inmate doesn't actually seem like a real person. They never have to interact with their family and loved ones, so to them they are just a fictional character. They don't pose any real threat when they are on death row or on a life sentence, that person is almost like an imaginary lover, so they can be made into anything the woman wants. Like on the t.v, they can stop contact at any point. That doesn't explain real life though. However, we must also realize that many of these people are manipulative, it is entirely possible that these women are too pressured and hypnotized by these people to see their true nature. Or they don't want to see their true nature because they get such a kick out of how 'taboo' the relationship is. 

Awesome, LaToya's Peddling the Jackson Kids for Cash

Dorothy and Daphne

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